Tuesday, November 6, 2007



John Glenn

American Visions and Values LA-400

November 6, 2007

And away we go....... I have been in school now for the past fifteen months and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The best part is it is not a train for a change!! It is a little early to start celebrateing yet, but boy is it hard not to just let loose. Two more weeks and my time at Bellevue University will be accomplished. This has been a very rewarding time for me since I was one of those kids in high school that worried about even passing a class. Now I get upset if I do not get an A on an assignment. I should be a poster child for going to college when you have had sometime to mature. Maybe not quite so mature, but a little older in life. Some of us it just takes a little longer to "grow up".

Well enough about me, the readings this week were very interesting. My favorite was from "Other People's Money" by Jerry Sterner. With the reading and the and the short video of Danny DeVito playing the part of Garfinkle on You Tube. It is increbile the range of emotions you feel during his speech. At first you want to lynch the guy, but after you think about the situation that the company is in and what the true under lying issues are you see his point. As much as you hate to say it in most cases stockholders are there to make profits on their investments. His job is to see that they make money and that he makes money on the deal. I guess, in this day and age that is what is all about, sorry to say. You can see this in the corporate world we live in now. It is not as much about a quality product, but how much money can we make on the product. I did my capstone project from my last program about Ford Motor Corporation, and you look at where they began to where they are today it is sad. Henry Ford would roll over in his grave to see what happen to his baby..

Looking at some of the other readings from this week we see Milton Friedman speaking about how the only reason a company exist is to make money. His theory that corporations has no social responsibility to the public, but they are there strickly to earn income for their investors. I had read this before and it is as dispictible everytime that you read it. I grew up in a small farm town in Nebraska and think about some buisnesses that my parent's did business with. If all of them would have had that same attitude then we would have had a lot harder time making ends meet. I think corporations are there to make money, that is a given, but should it be at a cost of the public from having a decent life?

Well another busy weeks, but we are almost there!!!!

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