Tuesday, September 4, 2007

American Visions and Values


John Glenn

American Visions and Values- LA 400

September 4, 2007 -Week One

I just recently completed the core curriculum for the Management Program at Bellevue University. With this signature series completed the majority of my requirements will have been met for my Bachelors Degree. I am looking forward to this program because as I have already read this week, it will take me to a new area of learning I have not been too many times before. The material just in the first week has been information I have not studied before.

There were two readings in this past week's assignment that really seemed to catch my attention, the first being "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. As I had mentioned in one of my e-mails, I have never been much of a reader of the short story style. With that being said, I found The Lottery very intriguing with a ending a did not expect. It was very interesting how Shirley Jackson seem to lull you into the quite small town mentality in the beginning only to hit you with the ending as she did. It was intriguing how the story developed into more of a soap opera style, by how she described the different characters.

The second reading that I really enjoyed was the short excerpt from Mere Christianity. C.S. Lewis presented his views on how God created man' and how man fell from the grace of God. His most interesting aspect, which I had not thought of before was the aspect of why God created man with free will. Lewis's thoughts on free will gives man the option of good or evil. In the final decision it comes down to the individual on which path they will travel.

Overall for the week, I enjoyed the postings in the discussion area and getting to see a fair amount of variety in opinions on what the readings meant to them. This will be a very busy eleven weeks in the, but I have enjoyed the information I have already received.

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